Midea "The indoor units SMK (heat exchanger Freon-water) heat pumps, Series Module-Thermal"

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    Heat pumps Series Module-Thermal is designed to solve problems of simultaneous heating (heating), cooling, domestic hot water preparation of water for small houses. Produced 4 models of outdoor units, technology-based DC-inverter (LRSJF-V) and relevant to them internal modules - this internal blocks hydraulic heat transfer and connection circuits (SMK), you can also connect the boiler-accumulator indirect (purchased separately from local suppliers ) solar controller (TMK-01), if the solar collectors are connected to the system. Complex application of technologies and bivalent connection scheme allows owners of these systems to recoup the investment in such equipment within 4-6 years, based on the also increasing your energy rates and following international and European experience, the introduction of equipment with high energy efficiency, broad functionality and corresponding environmental regulations.

    Характеристики/Модели SMK-60/CD30GN1 SMK-80/CD30GN1 SMK-100/CD30GN1 SMK-120/CD30GN1
    Электропитание, В/Гц/Ф 220/50/1 220/50/1 220/50/1 220/50/1
    Назначение блока (функция) нагрев и охлаждение воды
    Параметры теплоносителя для контура обогрева, °С  15-55  15-55 15-55  15-55 
    Параметры теплоносителя для контура охлаждения, °С  7-22 7-22  7-22  7-22 
    Параметры теплоносителя для контура ГВС, °С 35-60  35-60 35-60  35-60 
    Макс. Рабочий ток, А 27 27 27 27
    Уровень шума, дБ  32 32 32  32
    Размеры, без упаковки (ШхВхГ), мм  900x500x375  900x500x375  900x500x375 900x500x375 
    Вес нетто/брутто, кг 60/72 63/75 63/75 63/75
    Мощность нагревательного электроТЭНа, кВт 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
    Количество нагревательных электроТЭНов, кВт 2 2 2 2
    Подключения к водным контурам, мм  DN32  DN32 DN32  DN32