Air handling units with heat recovery

Supply and exhaust units are intended for use in ventilation systems and partly as components of air heating in industry and civil construction. Midea suspended supply and exhaust units are supplied in the capacity range of 200-800 cubic meters per hour, use outdoor air that is heated or cooled by passing through a plate recuperator made of multi-layer varnished paper. Air heating can be done with the help of a built-in or remote electric heater, which must be turned on for additional heating in the winter period. Basically, in such installations, the principle of the discarded heat utilization principle (use of heat) is used. Air distribution can be carried out both through a network of air ducts and directly into the room with the help of grilles, diffusers, annemostats.

The following modes of air treatment can be implemented in supply and exhaust units:

      air purification with a G2 nylon built-in filter, for polluted city streets, we recommend installing an additional channel filter with a replaceable cassette in the outdoor air intake line;
      heating/cooling depending on the season (temperature outside) and the temperature created in the room;
      preservation of humidity created in the room;
      partial bypass of the recuperator (bypass) along the supply air line (inflow priority).

The modes are set using the wired wall remote control supplied in the kit.